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Equity, Equality and Social Justice

BalletBoyz is committed to making positive steps to change perceptions of and access to The Arts. We are determined to ensure social justice and equity of opportunity for all regardless of age, disability, gender, race, religion and sexual orientation. There is a great deal still to learn, but we also have much to be proud of and much to share and we intend to make our welcome as broad and inclusive as possible.

Black Lives Matter

Following the tragic death of George Floyd we find ourselves in a focused moment, a moment to pause to consider, to listen and to learn about what we must do to play our part in ensuring social justice and equity of opportunity. BalletBoyz has taken time to reflect and we wish to express solidarity. 
There is an imbalance and we acknowledge that we have a responsibility in redressing it. We will strive to achieve this without discrimination and without tokenism, without defining anyone by their characteristics. We will ensure that we continue to invite a broad range of dancers, choreographers, composers and designers, producers, administrators, teachers and students to join us as we identify a path that enables us to achieve inclusion for all our colleagues. 
The fear of getting it wrong, of saying the wrong thing reveals the power of privilege, a potent reminder of what it feels like when your voice isn’t heard. It is our responsibility to listen to all the voices currently expressing a variety of important views and truths that are complicated and sometimes uncomfortable to hear. We must have open and frank discussions about difficult topics, where all who work with us feel supported and heard, and one where the opportunities that we can offer are open equally to all. 
The circumstances that brought us to this significant moment were appalling and tragic, but we now have a valuable opportunity to redouble our efforts, to re-evaluate our procedures and to continue to develop our response. We strive to find a balance in our pursuit of a varied, representative and vibrant dance company.


To find out more information about how you can support and take part in the Black Lives Matter movement, visit: and

Equality and Diversity Policy

BalletBoyz is dedicated to encouraging a supportive and inclusive culture amongst out workforce. It is within our best interest to promote diversity and eliminate discrimination in the workplace. Our aim is to ensure that all employees and job applicants are given equal opportunity and that our organisation is able to represent all sections of society. 


This policy reinforces our commitment to providing equality and fairness to all in our employment. We are opposed to all forms of unlawful and unfair discrimination, and all employees will be treated fairly, valued and respected, and as a result be able to give their best.

When selecting candidates for employment, promotion or training it will be on the basis of aptitude, ability and potential. All employees will be given help and encouragement to develop their full potential and utilise their unique talents. 


We want to ensure that everyone we work and interact with feels welcome and strive to ensure a positive and inclusive environment for all. Our commitment to this is implemented through:
- Our frequent evaluation of our board membership and the continuous pursuit of diverse board members;
- Our frequent discussions and conversations about diversity in formal meetings with staff and board members;
-Our annual reporting to Arts Council England, which includes our Creative Case for Diversity;
-Anonymous Equality and Diversity Monitoring for all recruitment processes, including administration, auditions, and teachers; 
-Our Equality and Diversity Policy, which can be read below, and;
-Our Complaints Policy which allows for anonymity and discretion if required. 
-Creating an environment in which individual differences and the contributions of all are recognised and valued.
-Creating a working environment that promotes dignity and respect for every employee.

-We will not tolerate any form of intimidation, bullying, or harassment, and to discipline those that breach this policy. 
-We will make training, development and progression opportunities available to all staff.
-We will promote equality in the workplace.
-We will encourage anyone who feels they have been subject to discrimination to raise their concerns so we can apply corrective measures. 
-We will regularly review all our employment practices to maintain fairness at all times.


BalletBoyz will inform all employees that an equality and diversity policy is in operation and that they are obligated to comply with its requirements and promote fairness in the workplace. The policy will also be drawn to the attention of funding agencies, stakeholders, customers, learners and job applicants.


This document will be monitored and reviewed annually to ensure that equality and diversity is continually promoted in the workplace. 


Last reviewed: Summer 2020


We welcome your thoughts and feedback on our work and are open to correcting when we get things wrong.

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